0211 Octopus Heads

Jul 10, 2012, 02:07 PM

How many octopus heads is too many? This is the question that is on the minds of diners, restaurateurs, fishermen and government officials here in Seoul. The question is not about how many heads an octopus should have but rather how many octopus heads should be eaten in a single day. See, octopus heads are considered aphrodisiacs by many Koreans. However, it appears that cadmium levels in octopus heads have reached dangerous levels. Cadmium, it is said, is a carcinogen that damages the liver and kidneys. So, the government advises eating no more than two octopus heads a day. Repercussions of this included a 50% drop in the price of an octopus head and legal action. Fishermen brought suit. They also brought a live octopus to the courtroom which caused laughter when it tried to escape. So, clearly, in answer to the question how many octopus heads is too many, an octopus would say: one. #ceas #hacker #SouthKorea