0245 Robot Round Up

Jul 10, 2012, 03:28 PM

This is a Postcard about robots. In Japan. Now there’s a surprise. But suspend your disbelief for a moment, if you will. Let’s talk about Evolta first. Evolta is a battery-powered triathlete headed for the Hawaiian Iron Man Triathlon though it is less iron than plastic. It has three bodies – one for each of the triathlon events. Being 1/10 the size of your average triathlete, Evolta is expected to take 10 times longer to finish – an estimated 168 hours. And then there is the robot that was developed to be an automated caregiver for Japan’s rapidly growing elderly population. It has no name. What it does have is 24 fingers which it uses to massage scalps and shampoo, rinse, condition and blow dry hair. Best thing about it? No tipping necessary. #ceas #hacker #japan