0246 Death Runthrough

Jul 10, 2012, 03:30 PM

At a certain age, we all begin to feel our mortality. Here in South Korea, they’re doing something about it. Test runs for death. Well, they’re not really practicing dying. They’re practicing with death’s accessories. That is, they are donning the traditional yellow hemp robes and climbing into coffins. It’s all part of a “well-dying” course run by a district office in Seoul. The course even has a motto: Don’t take life for granted. At least one person freaked a bit when the coffin lid was closed and eternal darkness descended but everybody who did the trial run climbed out of the coffin feeling more appreciative of life and their families. The whole thing puts us in mind of an old joke. How do you get to the cemetery? Practice, practice, practice. #ceas #hacker #SouthKorea