0253 Chinggis Khaan

Jul 10, 2012, 03:44 PM

When it comes to makeovers, few people need one more than Genghis Khan. Or Chinggis Xaan as he is known here in Mongolia. Free associate and you’ll probably come up with bloodshed and barbarian or variations on that theme. Bloodshed? Well, yeah. But barbarian? Mmm, not so much. Chinggis accomplished great things: he unified Mongolia under one leader (ok. himself), he hired someone to create a writing system and he promoted tolerance for different belief systems. But before you call your first born after him, know this: Chinggis Xaan is a title meaning emperor of the lands between the oceans. His real name was Temujin which might mean blacksmith. Seems this is not his first makeover after all. #ceas #hacker #mongolia