Have a Go - Intro

Episode 556,   Sep 15, 2012, 10:23 AM

This is the sort of show your grandparents would smile about - and sing the theme to: 'Have a Go'.

                                                                                                        Wilfred Pickles, accompanied by his wife Mabel, visited church halls across the Country 'bringing the people to the people' . Wilfred had been a newsreader too; notably the first with a regional accent.

The 'Have a Go' format worked: at its peak, it was said to attract audiences of 20m in those pre-Rajar days. Listeners told their stories and then answered questions for prizes.

Violet Carson, who played Ena Sharples in Coronation Street, was the resident pianist for a long period. The show itself ran from 1946 to 1967, transferring from the Home Service (as 'Have a Go, Joe) to the Light Programme