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The CBI is the UK’s most effective and influential business organisation, speaking on behalf of 190,000 businesses. Together they employ nearly 7 million people – about one-third of the private sector workforce. We exist to help business create prosperity for all – and we believe that business has the power to make a difference. Find out more: cbi.org.uk


Business News
58 episodes / 78K listens
Growth Podcast
  1. Growth Podcast Ep 4 – Springing on from the Budget
  2. Growth Podcast Ep 3 – The Budget is coming!
  3. Growth Podcast Ep 2 – Are we stuck in a rut on growth?
  4. Growth Podcast Ep 1 – How do we boost growth in 2023?
Podcast Specials
  1. Podcast Special: Taking net zero from ambition to reality
Grow your business internationally
  1. Grow your business internationally: Trade in services
  2. Grow your business internationally: Episode 4 - Advanced manufacturing
  3. Grow your business internationally: Episode 3 - Promoting economic partnerships with international stakeholders
  4. Grow your business internationally: Episode 2 - Sustainable agriculture
Clusters Think In
  1. Clusters Think In: Episode 6 - How UK clusters can become internationally competitive
  2. Clusters Think In: Episode 5 - How strong place leadership can help drive successful clusters
  3. Clusters Think In: Episode 4 - How clusters can help leverage access to finance and drive growth
  4. Clusters Think In: Episode 3 - How economic clusters can help drive up innovation collaboration in the UK
CBI @10am
  1. CBI @10am: How can firms help tackle the cost-of-living?
  2. CBI @10am: Dealing with recruitment challenges
  3. CBI @10am: Spotlight on the Devolved Nations
  4. CBI @10am: Helping your employees through the cost-of-living squeeze
SME Podcast
  1. SME Podcast: Myth-busting digital transformation
  2. SME Podcast: Unlocking growth through global trade
  3. SME Webinar: Cashflow Resilience
  4. SME Podcast: What SME's need to know about Public Procurement