A Night In with Nick Elliott...
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 Ladies, kick off your heels,  roll your stockings down and slip into something more comfortable.  Gentlemen, loosen your tie and take off your jacket.  Pour yourself a drink, lay back and allow yourself to drift into the seductive world of Rock Art Photographer Nick Elliott for an intimate Night In,  where you will be joined by special guests and celebrity friends, reminiscing and story telling fused with smooth music, creating an indulgent after hours interlude.  

Sponsor: Ashwood Music.

Theme music: I'm Packin/ 60Sebayblooz from BK2BIZ by Tali 'Icepack' Jackson www.icepackrecords.com

Twitter: @nickelliottinfo

Facebook: /ANightIn


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A Night In with Nick Elliott...

A Night In with nick elliott
Music Commentary
21 episodes / 3.53K listens

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