Pat Kenny RTE with ChangeAgents at Websummit

Season 1, Episode 2005,   Oct 18, 2012, 08:14 AM


Day 2 - a chance encounter...

Suddenly #PatKenny - Ireland's No 1 (many would say) - from RTE Radio & TV - was there - just alongside #robertscoble at #websummit. Paul O'Mahony rushed to interview him but Pat turned the tables on Paul. With all the skill of a consummate pro - Pat Kenny interviewed Paul O'Mahony about the company he co-founded with Jonathan Amm #ChangeAgents Http:// Great mention of #InHandGuides (Client) - smart audio - You hear Pat Kenny's first impression of #Audioboo + the story of how Paul's iPhone was dropped & cracked in #Lourdes ... Pat was much in demand & had to dash off... #websummitdiary #business #branding #jonathanamm #Audioboo #Lourdes #InHandGuides #PatKenny #ChangeAgents