Going to business networking for entrepreneurs in Cork today
#corkinnovates #business Recording of Paul O'Mahony (ChangeAgents) http://changeagents.ie/ joining the exhibition for entrepreneurs & SME owners on Wednesday 14 November 2012. Featuring: (1) Supply.ie "smart supplier sourcing" (2) SECAD (south-east and development) (3) BooQi "media solutions" (4) Vincent Scanlon MII (marketing institute of Ireland) (5) Bizzabo (6) NSAI (national standards authority of Ireland) (7) Cork County Council (8) Cork City Council (9) Cork Chamber (10) Gavin Duffy (11) Kernel Capital - Dawn Guiney - Rubicon Centre, Cork (12) Sunday Business Post (13) DoneDeal.ie (14) The International Investor Forum London (15) Websummit Dublin (16) Irish Franchise Association (17) KPMG (18) Frankie Sheehan - FrontRow