3-Minute Insect Essential #43 from the INSECT NEWS NETWORK

Feb 03, 2013, 07:17 AM

INN LAUNCH FROM GREEN FESTIVAL 2010 – INN #43. This is Cultural Entomology at its best! To hear the full broadcast, visit www.insectnewsnetwork.com and type in number 43 - that's pound 43 - in the search bar. And be sure to Join the Insect Tribe! Sign up for our newsletter, the Periodical Buzz. In today's edition of the INN, I stepped onto the world's stage. This is a re-broadcast of a live presentation that I gave at the 2010 Green Festival in San Francisco. It was the global launch of the INN - the first time I decided to open the portal to the microcosm through the lens of Cultural Entomology. My research had been for almost a decade into the filed, and I decided to showcase all the fact s figures and fascinations about the bugs and other 6- and 8-legged creatures on a hexagonal platform. I address the aspects of the Social, Physical, Economic, Historical, Sexual and even the Metaphysical aspects of the bugs.