Farang' word is just fine

Mar 10, 2013, 04:22 PM

Re: ''If you love Bangkok, it will love you'' (BP, March 2). Good points there _ the obvious fixes to farang eyes, a little less obvious to Thai eyes though... But many foreigners such as Mr Grant despise the term farang as being discriminatory. Well, it certainly is not for Thai people, not any more than the term ''foreigner''.The word has an interesting and long history. It came from an Arab word based on the name ''Franc'' in the Middle Ages, later to be carried on by the Persian ferringi and reaching the shores of today's Malaysia centuries ago. The term designates Europeans in general, while Indians have been allocated the term khaek, meaning ''guests'', and other Asian people their own distinctive appellations. No need to get upset, Mr Grant, you've been set up! As for a foreigner to ask the Thais to drop the use of the word is inconsiderate and useless! Languages are reflections of long historical processes and their uses by locals do not have to take into consideration their differed, often misunderstood perception by outsiders at a particular point in time.