Ian Nottage on Radio Ramair 1983

Apr 10, 2013, 04:30 PM

  1. Radio Ramair, Bradford. The wonderful Ian Nottage and I’m so pleased to have a conversation recorded between me and him – albeit in appalling quality, given I was “down the line” in the crudest possible way – a phone up against a microphone. I was in Halls of Residence at the time, obviously too lazy to go to the studio. And it was only 3pm in the afternoon. This may or may not include the bit where Ian used to go live to Steve Wright in the Afternoon on Radio One to "show you what you're missing". It may or may not include the bit where I encouraged the station controller to take both records off the decks....and then hung up, leaving them with nothing to go with. But, this recording definitely DOES include the memorable Nottage line; “Well, if you thought the quality of that jingle was appalling, just wait until you hear the rest of the show.” More about my time with Ian is here....http://www.bbc.co.uk/bradford/content/articles/2007/03/21/iannottagefeature.shtml