Power of the Club (Radio) - Brad Bramlet

Jun 25, 2013, 02:25 PM

It was one of the greatest sock tag games ever played. 5 friends over to my house. No parents at home as they were both at work. We were latchkey kids even before the term was invented. Yah baby game on until 5:05 pm. And then everything seemed to go into slow motion as the socks rolled up into a ball collided with big ella's nick nack . Crash! Just like in humpty dumpty they couldn't put him back together again. The nick nack that I later learned was a family heir loom that came across the Atlantic in a pinto? Or something like that.

Needless to say my mother, big Ella, was none to happy. And you know the old saying when momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy. And theres that other old saying which brings fear and trembling into the heart of every child. "Bradley Bill Bramlet you wait till your father comes home." and the problem with that was dad always came home. So............ A life -changing decision was made. My skinny little hind end was put on a big blue bus every day after school.

That bus scooped me up at warner elementary school and delivered me to the Boys and Girls Club at Volmer Bowl. And you know what? That turned out to be a most excellent thing. Unsupervised sock tag was exchanged for adult guided basketball, football, wiffle ball, softball, floorhockey and a one time boxing experience. Or beating depending on your point of reference. There was a trampoline that provided several near death experiences. Dont worry, no more trampolines at the club. There was pool, bumper pool, foosball, ping pong, shuffle board checkers and for the smarter kids chess and a library. For us right brain dominated kids there was arts and crafts, photography and wood shop. And the all time ultimate game to ever be invented. War ball!

The best thing about the club was it was an absolute blast and the adult staff there really liked me and cared for me. I was extremely fortunate enough to grow up in the club as I was constantly challenged with leadership opportunites and was taught leadership skills. Those lessons I learned back then I now literally use every day to serve others. The club staff believed in me. They said that one day I would become a leader. Then they said but until then please take your medication. Well, shock of shocks, it has all come to fruition. I guess big ella and the club staff were right. Sock tag or war ball? War ball everytime.