0300 Chinese Zoo Lion Fraud

Oct 08, 2013, 07:45 PM

Across dynasties here in China, imperial stone lions have guarded the entrances to imperial buildings. On the right, a male lion, his right paw resting possessively on a globe, symbolizing dominion over the world. On the left, a female lion, her left paw resting possessively on a cub symbolizing the cycle of life. The two genders appear together to balance yin and yang. Called shi2 shi1 or stone lion in Chinese, they bear a striking resemblance to dogs which might explain, in some kooky, backhanded way, the logic behind the People’s Park Zoo’s decision to claim that a Tibetan mastiff was an African lion. Sure, Tibetan mastiffs are large and have shaggy, mane-like fur around their heads but still there was a dead giveaway that tipped the public off. In China, dogs say "wangwang.” In the US, they say "woofwoof.” Whatever. Neither is the sound a lion makes in any language ..." #China #Hacker #CEAS