Boo #6: Quick Study - a writing space to call my own...

Dec 19, 2013, 08:22 AM

Keeping my writing ideas and notes organised has always been a struggle (one might even say it's a mission impossible!) and every so often I personally find the need to deconstruct the space I write in and then construct it again, usually in a completely different place, in order to keep my scribble inspiration going... As the cold winter days and nights approach I've begun turning a spare room of the house into a brand new study space - it has a large window with nice views and will one day have a library adorning the entirety of one wall with my writing desk on the other. So "my gnome gnovel" will continue to be written into the new year but in a new space - I'm really pleased with my progress so far on this new book, but as ever, I "needs to try harder" next year, to get into a regular writing routine, which hopefully my continuing Audio Boos will help to structure. For now, I bid you seasons greetings and leave you with a holiday gift of a sneak peak at my writing study - go to and on the homepage click on my YouTube channel button to view "A Sneak Peak Inside CGAllan's Study", hosted by Gned the Gnome!!!