Sentence Stress / Intonation / Get Candy!

Nov 06, 2010, 09:08 PM

#learn #SentenceStress #intonation #candy #English So the first time you hear the concept of halloween, when you're a kid. Do you remember the first time you even heard about it? It's like, your brain can't even... "what is this? who's giving out candy? Someone's giving out candy? who is giving out this candy? Everyone we know is just giving out candy?? I gotta be a part of this, take me with you, I want to do it, I'll do anything that they want! I can wear that. I'll wear anything I have to wear. I'll do anything I have to do. I will get the candy from these fools, that are so stupidly giving it away!" (c) Jerry Seinfeld - buy the CD here