Wired Special Feature : Get on radio - Join the Wired team

Jun 03, 2014, 04:07 PM

Wired is broadcast every Saturday night and is the only show created by young people for young people on Scottish commercial radio.

We’re currently looking for young people (aged S3 to 18) to join our award winning team. You will be placed either at Radio Borders or out in the community as part of your school, youth group or club.

You don’t need any previous experience but you must be keen to learn about radio presenting, interviewing, editing, production, reporting and social media.

Wired is a lot of fun and gives young people opportunities to make new friends and learn some great skills. Training takes place in the summer holidays and new members will join the team in the autumn term.

Listening to previous Wired features online will give you an idea of what is involved; search for ‘Wired Audioboo’. You can also find us on Facebook so give us a ‘like’ to keep up to date with all our news.

To find out more about joining the Wired team contact Lisa Cowan (Youth Media Development Worker) on: 0776 885 0611 or email: lisa.cowan@scotborders.gov.uk