July 8 2014 Post

Jul 08, 2014, 02:14 PM

Hey guys, wazzup? It's me jereme. So today is July 8, 2014. And I'd just wanna say hi. Today isn't that much stressful since I got home early. Well at least I didn't go to the mall. I think going to the mall after work wastes a lot of time since time moves fast especially when you're broswing items there. These days I'm starting to rethink my goals in life and what I really want. I'm trying my best to make myself productive after work. Actually I read an article about that in lifehacker about productivity after work and it gave me some insights about doing your favorite things after work to keep you from being stressed. Things like do some of your hobbies, or for a more productive one, try making pet projects. These are stuffs you make say if I'm a programmer, I would be making programs that aren't really required by anyone. Not only it is enjoyable but it also helps you to learn more and invent stuffs as well. Anyway life in work isn't that tiring. I got busy though but not much collateral damage.. i think :D For my spare time before sleeping, I might as well read some books I'm planning to read. That's all for now. This is jereme signing off.

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