Boo #12: "Writing in Invisible Ink"

Aug 07, 2014, 05:48 AM

So here it is - the last Boo of the current run charting the development of "my Gnome Gnovel". A year into the creation of it seems an appropriate time to pause for thought, so to speak, to give me time to just get on with the scribble duties of the piece (rather than harping on about the fact that I'm writing it all the time!)

There will be a new set of Boos updating the progress of this novel in 2015 but until then you can always go back and catch up on the "story so far" from the list of dozen boos up to now from this initial year of developing the book - here's a list of the novel writing tropes and techniques, in no particular orders, that I've covered to date:

  • world-building (fantasy vs real!)
  • narrative points of view (1st person vs 3rd person - and even mixed perspective!)
  • field trips for your writing (research the arenas you want to write about!)
  • organising your writing spaces (physical and... metaphysical!)
  • developing your "writer's voice" (the apparent all-important thing that publishers look for!)
  • the dreaded writer's block (and ways to combat it!)
  • character arcs (for your minor characters as well as your main hero or heroine!)
  • writing to a planned routine (a page-a-day for 6 months "should" equal one complete draft of a new novella?!)

So I'll be back in the future of the new year of 2015 with more updates on this first draft of the novel, sharing more of the ups and downs of the craft of writing it - I've enjoyed the process of audio blogging so far and hopefully if you're a writerly type too, you've found some fun in listening to the process so far... In the meantime if you'd like to read and see more about the history of the gnomes and me - head over to my Official Writing website at: and click on both the gnome on the desk top picture as well as the top of the film negative running across the top right of the desk...