ch.14 relative days

Oct 31, 2014, 04:52 PM

#love #instalove #me #UWOTM8 #M84LYFEM8 #rrrrrrr #<3 #</3 #$swegmasheen$ #plz r8 8/8 m8 becuz i 8 h8ers on a pl8, wits todays d8 m8, i cre8 f8 becuz i am gr8 m8, too l8 i am gr8er than u m8, i 8 a cr8 last d8, i appreci8 your h8, i hope you can rel8 cuz I'm a m8 m8, gr8 m8 i got to go r8 more cr8s m8, jk that was b8 to get a gr8 100 m8