Sheesy Sounds Walk into a Bar... A great many of them at that:

Feb 07, 2015, 07:06 PM

You've most likely heard a great many of these sounds before in your life and not known where they come from, or why these irritating things keep on showing up all over your favourite tracks. Well, here's the parody of all parodies to put them all in their places. Horrible, isn't it? If I haven't left you with a bad taste in your mouth then I've done something wrong and I'll simply have to try all the harder to do so.

I've included a screenshot of my midi environment to show you just how many ugly tracks make up this project for interested parties. I hope you will find it somewhat interesting, if not annoying. I'll settle for that. :)

Disclaimer: This was of course, all done in fun, but in these days of licence agreements and lawsuits at every turn, it had to be said. Obviously, I like sounds, or I wouldn't be a musician, would I?