Quotable: "Do we really need protection from grandma's stew?"

Feb 19, 2015, 05:13 PM

Our quote of the day comes from Aaron Krafcyzk, president of the Money Community Association. Listen to the full interview here: https://audioboom.com/boos/2911077-do-we-really-need-protection-from-grandma-s-stew-peace-man-says-over-regulation-is-killing-community-halls

Full quote:

"Every time we turn around we're running into a bunch of hassles trying to put on events. For instance, B.C. liquor laws are ridiculous. They create three times more laws for volunteers to run a bar for an event, which is a major source of revenue.... We go to put in a new playground. Thirty years ago it would have been a fifteen-thousand dollar project. A couple of guys, maybe a skid-steer on the weekend, we would have put together some slides and some swings. But now because of insurance requirements, everything's gotta be safety regulated and the fifteen-thousand dollar project turns into a seven-year campaign to fundraise $80,000. We gotta get a crew from Prince George to come up and build it because it has to be supervised and it has to meet all these cods. You can't even have a potluck anymore without the health authority getting involved, and I'm asking, do we really need protection from grandma's stew?"