Local Family Directory NW Surrey Good Causes Campaign

Mar 05, 2015, 04:40 PM

The Local Family Directory, with assistance from Radio Wey, is running a good causes campaign. Three local charities faced the 60 second challenge. They are St Charles Borremeo School PTA from Weybridge, the Woking Baby Cafe and Surrey Search and Rescue. Hear their entries and how to vote and then go to the website to submit your entry http://www.surreyfamilydirectory.co.uk Voting is open until midnight 1st May and the sum of £500 is split across the three causes proportionately based on the votes received. You can also like the Directory on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/familydirectorynwsurrey and follow on Twitter @surreyfamilymag

Radio Wey is the hospital radio station for St Peters and Ashford Hospitals also broadcasting to the community of North Surrey and Middlesex - details at http://www.radiowey.co.uk