How did this (#CSA scandal) happen? - asks James O'Brien @LBC 24.5.15 following #Hydrant announcement

May 24, 2015, 09:53 AM

James appears to be moving towards the conclusion MandateNow arrived at sometime ago, but we have been at this coalface since 2005. The fact that many individual cases are finally being seen and heard for the first time stems from a changing climate that more easily permits people who were abused in childhood to speak. A tipping point was reached somewhere in the CSA timeline that awakened abusees to the reality that we are no longer 'rare exceptions.' To some commentators the seeming scale of abuse could appear to be linked concealment. The reality is far simpler. Many institutions, and the 'great and good' from local communities who run them, often didn't have suspicions or even known abuse reported to them by staff and if they did, were all too keen to avoid scandal and the resultant damage to reputations. And so it is that many incidences of abuse combined into the now visible shoal of crimes against children.
Successive governments have enacted no legislative changes to make children safe in Regulated Activities. The young are still dependant on the inadequacies of 'discretionary reporting' which delivered the appalling medal of failure - the CSAinquiry.