SOUND OFF 397 - The Great Feminist That Is Greg Valentine

Aug 22, 2015, 09:28 PM

Solomonster is back with SUMMERSLAM PREDICTIONS and how Cena and Rollins are likely to keep their respective titles, how he was "injured" at an indy show this week, Brock Lesnar using the dreaded "F" word on Sportscenter (and the hypocritical lack of response), Vikings VP leaks that WrestleMania is coming to the Twin Cities, why Luke Harper may be the most underrated man in wrestling, how WWE did their "Divas Revolution" no favors on Monday, Greg Valentine's stupid comments on "girl wrestling" and women in general (of which he looks like one), how Kevin Nash and The Ultimate Warrior gave us the earliest signs of the Attitude Era, and BUY OR SELL - Vince McMahon the announcer or Mr. McMahon the evil promoter?