30: Designers should(n't) code | An interview with Ben Brignell

Sep 24, 2015, 12:00 AM

In this episode we're joined by Ben Brignell, a Designer, to talk about the crossover between 'Design' and 'Code'. We discuss the 'Designers Should Code' ongoing debate, and talk about some practicalities of working with multi-disciplined individuals in the Web industry.

Guest Ben picked this week's Toolstar: - Sketch, the design utility: http://bohemiancoding.com/sketch

Jukebox recommendations this episode are: - 'Glass Jar' by Gang Gang Dance, suggested by guest Ben. - 'Awake to You' by Taylor Mcferrin from Mark. - 'Through Clouds' by Gold Panda from Ben. All three are added to the Relative Paths Spotify Playlist (http://relativepaths.uk/pl), and while it exists, the Apple Music playlist too (http://relativepaths.uk/am).

How to reach Ben Brignell and other show links: - Twitter: @benbrignell - Site: http://benbrignell.com - Frisbee Fodder: http://frisbeefodder.com - A11Y Slack: http://web-a11y.herokuapp.com

Subscribe and keep in touch: - iTunes - http://relativepaths.uk/it - Stitcher - http://relativepaths.uk/st - SoundCloud - http://relativepaths.uk/sc - Twitter - http://twitter.com/relativepaths - Facebook - http://facebook.com/relativepaths

The music we use for various intro bits, stings and outro is ‘Vitreous Detachment’ by Origamibiro, used with kind permission.