31: Dealing with mistakes | The whole kitten caboodle

Oct 07, 2015, 12:00 AM

We didn't actually plan this episode... but it turned out ok. Following some recent mistakes with recording and editing, Mark and I thought we'd talk about what happens when we make mistakes on client work, and how we deal with them.

My ToolStar this week is 'Spectacle App', a Mac OS application for snapping windows to pre-defined sizes with keyboard shortcuts: https://www.spectacleapp.com

We have another odd Jukebox this episode: - 'Interlude III' byAlt-J (∆) is Mark's suggestion and it's only about 40 seconds long. - 'Superpositions' by Nathan Fake is my suggestion, however I hadn't chosen by the time of recording. Both tracks are added to the Relative Paths Spotify Playlist (http://relativepaths.uk/pl).

  • Hope you enjoy it! Ben

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The music we use for various intro bits, stings and outro is ‘Vitreous Detachment’ by Origamibiro, used with kind permission.