Episode 0 - An Intro to the Spice Pantry Podcast

Oct 15, 2015, 01:49 AM

This is a teaser of what each episode of The Spice Pantry podcast will feel like.

After months of preparing, deliberating and being too scared to hit publish, we’re finally pushing this out into the world!

The start of our first podcast! Episode 0 of the Spice Pantry Podcast will help you learn about what we plan on covering each episode with some teasers to what will come and some background on why it has taken us so long to get this published despite having worked on it since February.

We are planning a “seasonal” format of publishing every 2 weeks for a certain number of episodes and then taking a break.

This first season will include at least 6 new and original episodes covering a passion that is very close to our heart right now!