Golden Secrets to Winning the Lottery

Dec 30, 2015, 08:33 AM

In Western Europe, lottery's history dates back to the 1400s as France gave birth to their popularity. This initiative was followed by King Francis I of France who allowed lotteries to operate from 1520. Seeing its success in 1567, England's Queen Elizabeth the First established what is believed to be the first British state lottery, with the prize being hard cash along with some tangible goods, and thus began the success and use of lotteries in England and the Colonies.

In 1744 the first lottery was introduced in colonies like Massachusetts to overcome military debts. But it was in 1776 when the first national lottery was introduced by the Continental Congress. The main goal was to raise funds for the American Revolution.

Over in Western Europe, the first municipal lottery "La Lotto de Firenze" in Florence, Italy was introduced in 1930 and offered a cash prize to attract participants, and other Italian cities followed the same path. As popularity and success gained momentum, many countries legalized lotteries, and of course now with the advent of the internet, people worldwide have the opportunities to play lottery online, where you can find an array of websites offering betting systems and software to assist your chances of winning.