European Chairs Assembly, Winter 2016 - Ratnaghosha On 'One Sangha'

Episode 264,   Jan 11, 2016, 05:23 PM


An exciting idea from the Triratna European Chairs meeting at Adhisthana. Mokshini talking to Ratnaghosha, the Chair of the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, on the theme of how best to celebrate our world-wide Triratna sangha. This would be both to promote unity across our sanghas as well help give those attending local Centres a sense of the internationality of our Movement which might not be obvious for those coming along.

In fact, over the course of the next 18 months there are several events and particular anniversaries that will be marked at Triratna Centres world-wide. There are significant anniversaries within the Indian sangha with Dr Ambedkar's 125th birthday coming up on 14 April 2016, as well as the 60th anniversary of the 1956 mass conversions to Buddhism in Nagpur. And in addition to these there are suggestions of making use of Triratna Day (marking the founding of our community) as an annual event to celebrate Triratna worldwide. Watch this space! #Buddhism #Buddhist #community #Dharma #sangha #Triratna #international