The Offside Rule 2015/16 Episode 22

Jan 14, 2016, 02:43 PM


Lynsey Hooper and Kait Borsay are joined by BeIN Sports' Carrie Brown on this week's episode of The Offside Rule We Get It!), brought to you by Continental Tyres. The Champions League returns soon and the competition is heating up ahead of the knock-out rounds. We get out our crystal balls and pick our competition winners - and those we don't think stand a chance! Injury woes are plaguing teams across the Premier League; so much so that we can make a top XI out of them - so that's exactly what we do! Now, everyone remembers the time Phil Brown marched his Hull City players into the centre of the pitch at half time to give them a good telling off...and he's been at it again. His Southend side lost 4-2 to Swindon so as punishment he locked his players in the dressing room for 2 hours! This inspired us to think about the lengths other managers have gone to in order to turn things around...from banning WAGs to soaking cheese in alcohol, we look at the wacky actions managers have taken. There's loads of great content to discover at - you can pop over to Twitter @OffsideRulePod and Like our Facebook page.

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