Consumed by Zeal (John 2:13-25)

Mar 15, 2016, 01:19 AM

The Temple of God had become a barnyard. Those entrusted with its care stood guilty of fleecing the people. The religious authorities were not prepared for the Son of God to show up.

The cleansing of the Temple by Jesus led to the opportunity to give a prophetic statement that the Temple of His Body would be raised up. This encounter resulted in faith. His disciples had their faith strengthened years later as they would look back at this event. People also came to faith in the Messiah of Israel. What effect does the prediction of the death and resurrection of Christ have on you?

Come grow in your faith and knowledge of the book of John with Return to the Word. Teaching God's Word and advancing the message of His amazing grace one verse at a time.

#Gospel #Faith #Jesus #Christian #John #Temple #Salvation