When They Say Peace and Safety

May 31, 2016, 11:32 AM

Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Today the march towards peace at any cost continues and is in full swing.

Those I mentioned in this report are willing to implament peace at the expense of Israel however! See Zechariah 12-14.

As the world turns its back on God, look to see the push for a "false" peace to grow and to eventually take root globally. This will not be good news for the Jews or Israel and any believers who came to faith after the great catching away or the Rapture.

Now is the time to receive Christ as your Savior while you have time and an open door. It will become increasingly more difficult as the return of Christ moves closer and closer to happening. Before The Lord returns however, the world will grow very dark and it will become a very dangerous place to live for anyone who does not buy into the Antichrist's (Man of Sin) agenda!

Thank God we who believe in The Lord will be spared this darkness through the catching away of true believers prior to The Wrath of God falling on planet earth. Baded on everything we now see in our culture, churches and political systems, the time of Jacob's Trouble is coming and its coming fast! See Jeremiah 30 and see 1 Corinthians 15 for the Rapture.

Pairs nice with my report: http://israelnewstalkradio.com/tamar-yonah-show-does-our-new-defense-minister-have-everyone-shaking-in-their-boots/

Remember to keep looking up because Jesus is coming back soon.

Live out your faith,

Bro Stef, Pastor "Watchman" Ezekiel 33

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