AYP 7: Early Daze 2
"Like a stumpy John Travolta!" Welcome back to All Yesterday's Parties, where it's all about Mike introducing John to Erase Errata's debut album 'Other Animals', but not before Mike sets a quiz for John, who manages to assert his (incorrect) score so confidently that it goes unchallenged until Mike listens back to the recording immediately prior to the upload. Also, mused upon: What day-to-day activity would Van Morrison set an arbitrary time limit upon? If you have any ideas for this, let us know via the usual channels. Also, don't forget to read Mike's listener notes at http://ayppodcast.tumblr.com so that you can sample the music of which we speak. Ready! Thought not... #music #podcast #review #eraseerrata #punk #pop #vanmorrison #timer #sunspring #benjamin #artificialintelligence #howdoyoulikeallthesehashtags #hashtags #stumpyjohntravolta