Visionary Business: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Success

Jul 22, 2016, 06:01 PM


Interview with Marc Allen Co-Founder and president of New World Library . He talks about his success in the publishing world. He shows us how to succeed in a relaxed and easy manner, in a a healthy and positive way. He tells us our beliefs become our reality and asks us to examine our beliefs and shift to believing that it is easy to succeed. He advises listeners to create a one page 5 year plan based in imagining your ideal scene after 5 years had passed. Ask yourself: "There are opportunities sitting in front of me right now - what are they? and how can I go after them? What opportunities are in my life now? What benefits are right now in front of me?" He tells us if you ask these questions you will start getting answers. Length-23 minutes, 51 seconds Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, host of the The Gift of ADHD podcast, interviews Mr. Marc Allen, author of Visionary Business: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Success published by New World Library.

Marc Allen is an internationally renowned seminar leader, entrepreneur, author, and composer. He co-founded New World Library (with Shakti Gawain) and has guided the company, as president and publisher, from a small start-up to its current position as a highly profitable player in the independent publishing world. He has written several books, including The Millionaire Course, The Type-Z Guide to Success, and The Greatest Secret of All. He has also recorded several albums of original music, including Breathe, Petals, Solo Flight, and his latest, Awakening. For more information visit or