Overview of Session 3 (weeks 5 and 6): Fluency, Introduction to Guided Reading, and Dyslexia

Aug 26, 2016, 12:26 AM

Transcript Overview of Session 3 (weeks 5 and 6): LIST 4373 Fall 2016

Dear students welcome to session 3 weeks five and six. This session we are covering the topics of fluency, introduction to guided reading, and dyslexia. These topics will apply across all the elementary grades. Many students are screened for dyslexia beginning in kindergarten through grade 2. It's really important that the classroom teacher be able to detect signs of dyslexia and be able to pay attention to things like fluency as a sign that students may be facing challenges in reading. Not all students that face challenges in reading have dyslexia, but all students that have dyslexia face challenges in reading. The more you know about the topic of dyslexia, the better. Remember, that you will be watching a video on dyslexia (“Rethinking Dyslexia: The Big Picture”) and that you can watch this at any time during the course. This session would be a good time to watch it if your schedule permits. For the readings, we will focus on finishing up the phonics book, as well as completing other topical readings. The Reading Strategies book will provide practical ideas for your future student teaching and teaching. I suggest using sticky flags to mark on the lesson pages that you would like to try in your future teaching or with an elementary-aged you know in the near future. Please be sure to watch all videos posted in the professor notes and to also listen to all micropodcasts. For the session 3 assignments, you will do your reading response group. I strongly encourage you to create a digital artifact instead of just finding a website link. Be sure to describe in detail the digital artifact that you post. Consider creating a podcast, a video, a digital graphic organizer (e.g., Popplet or bubbl.us), or an infographic to represent your learning. Nearly all school districts expect teachers to use such digital tools; teachers are expected to help elementary students create digital content in the elementary classroom. The more you can practice this now the better. In addition to your discussion board, you will also post your initial thoughts on your guided reading plan and discussions. Please also provide peer feedback to others. Strong comments to peers are substantive and detailed and refer to specific points you are learning about in the readings this week. That is, connect your comments to peers back to knowledge from this week's readings, if possible. Finally, there is a quiz over session 3 content. Study guides are provided for quizzes to help you focus on specific content. I hope you have a great session and email me or contact me on Blackboard Instant Messenger if you need anything or have questions on the material. I am quick to reply and am here to help you get all you can out of this course!