Peter Singer on Famine, Affluence, and Morality (Part Two: Discussion)

Oct 31, 2016, 12:00 PM

Mark, Wes, Seth, and Dylan discuss our interview with Peter Singer. Does Singer's asserting such a heavy moral burden on us successfully condemn us to changing our priorities and/or feeling perpetually guilty, or is there something wrong with the argument? Even if we admit the moral demand is legitimate, can we soften Singer's position by seeking to balance the obligation to help the poor with numerous other obligations, even though the latter don't rise to the level of life and death? And how is the evolutionary basis of morality relevant to deciding what counts as a legitimate moral obligation?

End song: "Ann the Word" by Beauty Pill (2015), explored in Nakedly Examined Music's ep. 19: #philosophy #singer #ethics #utilitarianism #impartialism #charity #oxfam #morality #famine #affluence Go to the blog: