22-Chinese phrases-mandarin-Telephone something

Nov 25, 2011, 10:10 AM

22-Chinese phrases-mandarin-Telephone something


My/Mine=我的=wǒ de your/ yours=你的=nǐ de his=他的=tā de

Mobile= 手机=shǒu jī My mobile=我的手机=wǒ de shǒu jī

Mobile No.=手机号码=shǒu jī hào ma your Mobile No.=你的手机号码=nǐ de shǒu jī hào ma **May I have your mobile No.? =can-give me-your-mobile No.-? =能-给我-你的-手机号码-吗? =néng-gěi wǒ-nǐ de-shǒu jī hào ma-mā?

fixed tel=座机=zuò jī fixed tel.No.=座机号码=zuò jī hào ma

to make a phone call=打个电话=dǎ ge diàn huà i will call you=我打给你=wǒ dǎ gěi nǐ.

to send=发=fā to reply=回=huí SMS=短信=duǎn xìn MMS=彩信=cǎi xìn to send sms=发短信=fā duǎn xìn to reply sms=回短信=huí duǎn xìn

Signal=信号=xìn hào the signal is good= 信号好=xìn hào hǎo the signal is bad=信号差=xìn hào chà

*some words you can just speak english, Chinese people speak same same, e.g: WIFI,3G(three G=sān G),call, Hello, Bye.etc.