Episode 40 - Lea Toran Jenner, circus artist and YouTube vlogger

May 08, 2017, 08:54 PM

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On this week's episode, Josh and Lyndsay talk about the final performances of Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus, their latest updates on the virtual reality Kickstarter campaign, lessons circus artists can take from playwright collectives, and finally Josh interviews circus artist and vlogger, Lea Toran Jenner. Lea and her partner are currently performing a duo cyr wheel act at the Moulin Rouge, she previously won a bronze medal at the Cirque De Demain Festival in Paris, and she creates daily Youtube videos about her day to day life. If you enjoy the episode please share it with your friends and rate us on iTunes. Have a great week! [12:07] Discovering a passion for circus[14:20] Switching disciplines in circus school[17:22] Finding work after the Paris festival[23:00] Working at the Moulin Rouge[26:01] Going to film school during the day[32:31] The #1 question all circus performers get askedDavid Lewis Hammarstom's new book on the history of Ringling Tickets to the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus: Cardboard and Ducktape Spectacular