PX16 - Puyo Puyo Persona
This week we hit the wall with gaming exhaustion at it's most incomprehensible before finding our happy place.
We start by getting elbow deep in the strange puzzle combination of Puyo Puyo Tetris, the cute-yet-gothic puzzle-platformer A Rose in the Twilight, and indie roguelike action-platform game Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found. After that we talk about the state of affairs then get lost in the crafting wonders of Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey before finishing with a flamboyant flourish with the hotly anticipated Persona 5.
#Podcasts #TheGeekShow #PressX #VideoGames #Gaming #Reviews #RPG #JRPG #AtelierFiris #TheAlchemistAndTheMysteriousJourney #Persona #PuyoPuyo #Tetris #PS4 #PC #ToyOdyssey #Anime #Puzzle #ARoseInTheTwilight #PSVita #Platform