Episode #200: This Was A Mistake

Feb 14, 2017, 06:00 PM

Join us as we embarrass ourselves LIVE and celebrate episode 200 of the podcast! Thanks for sticking around with us this long!

All returning hosts: Karen, Ariana, Danielle, Donya, Caitlin, Kristen, Natalie, Brittany, Kyle

Fun Facts:

We all got our start on Hypable at different times, but who joined last? Who is Maj? And where is Mitch?!

Two truths and a lie!

Who never broke a bone? Who was proposed to by a member of the Glee gang? And who is seeing Waitress this weekend?

F**k, Marry, Kill - Buffy edition:

We love Buffy and Angel, but someone has to go!

Angel, Liam, Angelus

Giles, Ripper, Ethan

Xander, Riley, Oz

Cordelia, Wesley, Lindsey

Angel, Spike, Buffy

Buffy, Faith, Drusilla

The Mayor, The Master, Glory

What shows do we want to do:

Downtown Abbey, of course! Hannibal, Bomb Girls, Batman Beyond, Charmed, and traumatizing animated series for seven year olds!

We have a long, long list! Let's see where the next 200 episodes take us!

Contact us!
Email: rewatchable.podcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @Re_Watchable
Tumblr: ReWatchablePodcast.Tumblr.com
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