Episode #197: ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ 5x08, ‘Angel’ 2x08 – Reality Bites

Jan 23, 2017, 06:00 PM

Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 8, "Shadow" and Angel season 2, episode 8, "The Shroud of Rahmon."

Superfans: Karen and Caitlin
Newbies: Brittany and Mitch

Fun Facts:

Caitlin is hosting, surprising everyone except Karen! Christmas keeps going for Karen, who received an enamel pin from Brook that says, "Hello, my name is Alexander Hamilton" on it. She is trying not to cry. Mitch is not going to talk about moving, so he complains about Uncrustables. This is Brittany's 100th shownotes for podcasts! Football may tear this podcast apart.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 8, "Shadow":
-We finally know the big bad's name -- Glory
-Karen's pun is explained finally! "A GLORY-ous red dress"
-Is it due time for the big bad to make her debut?
-Mitch wanted to see how Dawn fits in this season and it's hard to notice that episodes are passing
-We are not a huge fans of white bread
-Glory is so old that she pre-dates language
-Do we feel like Glory is really threatening yet?
-How does Joyce's illness hit us today?
-The group coming together to help Buffy through the worst news of her life is wonderful
-Brittany has a lot of problems with Dawn
-But in the grand scheme of things she is an innocent in all of this
-"Shadow" means so many things
-What does it say that this illness cannot be blamed on the supernatural?
-Things are going to change quickly for Joyce
-Buffy is not relying on Riley at all
-What are the rules for Spike's brain chip?
-We go inside Mitch's brain... it's scary
-Favorite scenes
-Favorite lines

Angel season 2, episode 8, "The Shroud of Rahmon":
-Brittany is shipping Cordelia and Wesley hard
-But Virginia is sticking around for the time being
-Brittany and Mitch do not agree on this episode at all
-How do we feel about Kate in this episode?
-The Shroud of Rahmon does what exactly?
-Does this affect how Gunn really feels about Angel?
-Trust is a huge issue in this show
-So much acting by everyone and it was so fantastic
-Was this episode confusing for anyone?
-Cordelia affected by the shroud leads to petty theft
-Angel's glasses and accent game are strong
-Angel's lust for blood is a bit of an issue, but will it continue to plague the show?
-Favorite scenes
-Favorite lines

Listener Feedback:
-Last week's Buffy and Angel episodes went together so well!
-The big bad FINALLY has a name! (Which is a relief to our superfans)
-Another vote for Leverage

Mitch's Musings/Brittany's Brainstorms
Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 5, episode 9, "Listening to Fear"
Angel season 2, episode 9, "The Trial"

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