Episode #114 - 'Legend of Korra' - 1x07, 1x08 - Slimebender

Jun 28, 2015, 06:00 PM

ReWatchable returns to discuss Legend of Korra season 1, episode 7, "The Aftermath," and season 1, episode 8, "When Extremes Meet."

Superfans: Michal, Caitlin, Jack
Newbies: Brittany

The Legend of Korra season 1, episode 7, "The Aftermath":
-Asami first impressions
-Hiroshi, did we see it coming?
-Korra moves quickly, how does that make us look at the plot
-Lin will be a badder ass
-We love the Toph family line
-Platinum mech suits are kind of difficult to beat
-Do NOT insult Toph's metalbending ability
-What else is out there that Amon is working on?
-There are rules of earthbending we may never understand
-Asami's backstory- emotions!
-Asami makes a rough choice to go against the Equalists
-Korra and Asami have had it easy, but now...
-Asami runs with the benders now!
-Consequences: Lin's metalbenders are kidnapped, Lin must step down
-This show has a lot more adult elements to pay attention to
-Tarrlok is the element of slime
-Lin and Tenzin? Huh?
-Favorite scenes.
-Favorite lines.

The Legend of Korra season 1, episode 8, "When Extremes Meet":
-Less equalists! More antagonists!
-The ending! But first, Ikki
-We love her because she has no limits
-But seriously, how do they get on and off of Air Temple Island?
-Milo being Milo
-Korra has some sad times after Tarrlok insults her Avatar-ness (rude)
-Team Avatar HURRAY!
-Friendships are the core of Korra (get it!?)
-They also work incredibly well together as a crime fighting team
-But equalist activity is revving up the anti-nonbender agenda
-The danger in the story lines are much deeper than some other shows
-Tarrlok having all this power is a bit terrifying
-Everyone is arrested and its all up to Korra once again
-Korra and Tarrlok fight
-Tarrlok is so dangerous, but how dangerous?
-Bending is beautiful, we but it can also be horrifying
-More flashbacks and they are emotionally charged
-Why did Sokka have to die? Why?
-What is Tarrlok up to and where is he taking Korra?
-We're in for some more intensity!
-Favorite scenes.
-Favorite lines.

Listener feedback
-Listeners are tuning into Veronica Mars and Firefly!
-Still plenty of A:TLA love as well
-A new theory for why Lin and Tenzin broke up
-Fans from Brazil are so kind!
-iTunes review from Avatar Central!

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