Episode #216: ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ 6×04, ‘Angel’3×04 – I Asked For It, I Don’t Want It

Jun 07, 2017, 03:44 PM

Join us as we discuss Angel season 3, episode 4, "Carpe Noctem" and Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 4, "Flooded."

Superfans: Caitlin and Natalie
Newbies: Brittany and Mitch

Fun Facts:
Brittany got four DVDs of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers for FOUR DOLLARS. Also, she saw Karen in real life. Natalie made a Pinterest for her new house and she realizes what a rabbit hole it is! Send her pictures of your 1920s bathrooms! Mitch is seeing Wonder Woman tonight with someone who knows enough people to fill two rows of a movie theater. Caitlin also saw Wonder Woman and she enjoys recliner seats at movies!

Angel season 3, episode 4, "Carpe Noctem":
-Do we think Fred is adjusting to the group? Do they want her around?
-Will Cordelia forever be the "what Fred isn't" point for the show?
-More Cordelia and Angel flirting scenes, please!
-Caitlin does not care for body-switching episodes
-Angel has a superbody
-This episode is so pervy and weird and uncomfortable
-What do homosexual clothes look like?
-Angel and Wes - the ship that never sails
-Lilah and Gavin are making their way back into the plot
-Shouldn't the episode end with Angelus! I mean Buffy is alive!
-Why did Willow call Angel?
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 4, "Flooded":
-There is a literal flood! Let's repipe the place and Buffy, she needs a tune up
-Brittany will report back with pipe costs
-Umm... Anya is not suggesting anything new when it comes to payment!
-Where was kickstarter when you need it?
-Xander is having second thoughts about his engagement? Or is he?
-Will Tara pop the question?
-"I asked for it, I got it, I don't want it."
-What was going on since Joyce died?
-The bill plotline makes sense in the real world
-Bribing the graveyard, an easy task
-Giles almost made a friend!
-Willow is SO AWFUL WHY?
-Is there another way to read the Giles/Willow scene?
-Spike is there for Buffy in ways that some people can't be
-Jonathan is back and hiring demons to rob banks
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Listener Feedback:
-Let's talk a bit more about Willow's evolution. There's a lot to unpack here.
-Ordering these episodes will be a challenge, but we are up for it!
-RIP Merl

Mitch's Musings/Brittany's Brainstorms:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 6, episode 5, "Life Serial"
Angel season 3, episode 5, "Fredless"

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