
Jan 09, 2012, 06:50 PM

Positive characteristics

She has an air of authority Other people believe her and listen to her opinions

She's courageous She's brave

They're magnanimous They're very generous

She's very dependable If she says she'll do something, she does it. She always keeps her promises

He's honest He always tells the truth. You can trust him

He's unbiased He's neutral or impartial. He can see both sides of an argument or disagreement

Negative characteristics He's prone to emotional outbursts He often reacts with very strong emotions (for example, an outburst of anger or tears)

She reacts poorly under stress She reacts badly under stress She doesn't deal with stress well. She cries or gets very angry when she's in a stressful situation

He's so venomous He's extremely hateful or angry

Neutral characteristics

She's such a perfectionist She likes everything to be perfect. She has very high standards for herself

He's introverted He's very shy and doesn't like talking to new people

Note: Both these characteristics can be thought of as negative. It depends on the context of the sentence

Making negative characteristics sound more positive

To make a negative comment about someone sound a bit more positive you can say:

not very + positive adjective

She's not very generous = She's mean He's not very dependable = He's unreliable They're not very honest = They're untrustworthy


Does that bode well for you two?: Is that a sign that you will have a good future together?

astrology (n): the belief that the movement of the stars and planets affect people and their behaviour