NFAND Episode 68 - Rosalba Rolón, Artistic Director Pregones/PRTT - relief drive for artists - OCTOBER DRIVE

Oct 04, 2017, 10:30 AM

Rosalba Rolón is an actress, dramaturge, writer, producer, lyricist, grant writer, mentor, leader, and the world is a better place because she is in it. God is my witness.

Like so many, soon after María passed the questions became, what can we do to help? And thousands have activated to do just that, help. There are numerous and beautiful initiatives and coalitions taking root all over the land, far beyond the island and the island itself. In the midst of so much chaos and shady dealings, the domino effect of consequences continues. But the efforts don’t stop. Pregones/PRTT’s Hurricane María Relief Drive for Artists is one of those beautiful gestures.

For the month of October, the theater will campaign to provide $500 micro-grants to theater, music, dance, visual and literary arts practitioners in Puerto Rico. The drive will put emergency cash in the hands of artists with whom Pregones/PRTT has had a history of exchange and collaboration, and who are also invited to identify subsequent micro-grant recipients.

Two shows happening at Pregones/PRTT on Walton this month, Harlem Hellfighters on a Latin Beat, the concert (Oct. 7) and El Apagón (Oct. 20) 100% of ticket sales will go towards the Hurricane María Relief Drive for Artists. At Pregones/PRTT on Broadway District, Spamilton.

Listen to her talk. She explains it all. The heart of it, the need of it, the solidarity with artists.

#ArtistsPR #Relief #P2P