Fallen Woman #74 ~ Featuring Cher Noble followed by musical madness!!

Nov 30, 2017, 05:22 AM


Featuring a special tête-à-tête of intimate & whimsical proportions with none other than Cher Noble! Including topics such as: "Acid Trip Apple Picking" "The Many Faced God of Drag" & "What Would Bill Murray Do"? With music by Gabrielle St. Evensen & Velocity Chyaldd with Dave Sussman! Welcome to Fallen Woman! Tune in every Thursday @ the stroke of midnight to www.radiofreebrooklyn.com #radiofreebrooklyn #fallenwomanradio #VelocityChyaldd #CherNobleBaby #FallenWoman #CherNoble Archive episodes at: www.FallenWoman.com