How Pursuing Your Goals Can Impact Other People’s Lives

Dec 16, 2017, 02:59 PM

The concept of “mind over matter” is incredibly powerful, especially when it comes to your health and healing. You may not have control over everything in your life, but you do have complete power over how you feel. You have control over your dreams, your goals, and how you pursue them.   Perhaps no one understands that better than today’s guest, Alexa Carlin. After a near-death experience that put her in a medically induced coma at 21, Alexa became a full-time speaker to share her story. Since then, she's gone on to found the Women Empower Expo and Be a Public Speaker. All of her business endeavors serve the same passion and goal: she wants to see people’s lives change for the better.   Listen in as Alexa shares her incredible story, advice on how to chase your professional dreams, plus incredible insights on how you can impact other people’s lives.   In This Episode Why it’s important to take ownership of your goals and dreams Little daily actions that can have a big impact on others’ lives The number one way to stand out as an entrepreneur Different approaches public speakers can use to prepare Why the phrase “work/life balance” can be a misnomer   Quotes in This Episode “I truly believe that everything that we work towards leads us to that bigger picture of who we're supposed to be in life, as long as we never give up and continue to persevere and follow our passion.” —Alexa Carlin   “That's how I've made a difference in thousands of people's lives. I say, ‘I'm going to make a difference in at least one person's life, every single day.’ When you start on the individual level, that creates a ripple effect.” —Alexa Carlin   “The impact you're making in the world is happening, you just may not see it. But that's the thing—you don't have to see it. All you have to know is that you are doing your best to create that positive impact.” —Alexa Carlin   “Confidence is a lifelong journey. You have to work on it every single day.” —Alexa Carlin   “It's not like you have so many hours of work and so many hours to live…. This is your life. This is your chance to do everything that you want to do. How are you going to make the most of it?” —Alexa Carlin   Resources Women Empower Expo Women Empower Expo on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Connect with Alexa on Instagram Be a Public Speaker