Episode 51: Salvador Dali with Sarah Ferrato

Feb 07, 2018, 05:01 AM


Art is weird. Most people say they don't know much about it, but everyone has an opinion on it. Especially when it comes to artists like Salvador Dali. So this week we try something new. we are joined by Sarah Ferrato (or PizzaPasta to some) to talk about her hatred for the painter of that melting clocks picture you saw in high school that you thought was super deep. We also start a poll on how George should open the show from now on. Feel free to cast your vote on Twitter. 

Don't forget, if you want to be on the show or have something you want to tell us, email us at secondshotpod@gmail.com or call and leave a voicemail at 216-309-0942

#Podcast #Cleveland #Ohio #comedy #art #SavadorDali #Dali #AndyWarhol #PizzaPasta #Suitcases #FastAndFurious #F8 #VinDiesel  #TheRock