Undocumented, Unafraid: Before & After DACA

Season 1, Episode 2,   Feb 26, 2018, 05:36 AM

"Undocumented, Unafraid" is one of the most emblematic slogans of the Immigrant Rights Movement, but where was this slogan born? Where do it's roots come from? And what do the methods and tactics of "Undocumented, Unafraid," mean before & after #DACA? Our guest for this show is longtime #UndocuQueer #Artivist - Nicolas Gonzalez Medina who participated in the 1st "Coming Out of the Shadows" in Chicago on March, 2010. 

Show Hosts: 

Rafael A. Martinez (@undocu_scholar)

Frankc Berlanga-Medina (@incogh_stry)

Nancy Canales (_nancycanales)

#UndocuNews Segment: 

Alejandro Mendiaz-Rivera (@alejandromagno31)

Cindy Nava (@cindyloo1912)

#TreatYoSelf Segment: 

Norma Ramirez (@normaramirezart)